
By a MAPAQ certified instructor
with experience in food management

Not only will you benefit from quality interactive training leading to the success of your MAPAQ certification, but you will also improve your knowledge that will make you a conscientious professional.

Video and audio lessons

At your rhythm

We offer the individual online exam to our clients at no additional cost.

Food handler training online course mapaq food safety

Food Handler – MAPAQ course, online 6hrs

(55 ratings)
InstructorJulie BRANDONE
TypeOnline Course
Student Enrolled870
Price taxes incl.$60
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Food establishment manager training online course mapaq food safety

Food Establishment Manager – MAPAQ course, online 12hrs

(103 ratings)
InstructorJulie BRANDONE
TypeOnline Course
Student Enrolled1493
Price taxes incl.$120
Buy nowBook

If you need to take the 3.5hrs course (usually for daycares of less than 9 children), you can take the food handler course without taking the final exam. It’s 40$, all included. Send an email to Julie at juliebrandone@gmail.com

Several trainings

You need to train and certify all or some of your staff? Send us an email to get a special price.


Food Handler or Food Establishment Manager

Choose the right training


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Mapaq certification
Mapaq Certification
Mapaq Certification
Mapaq certification trainings
Mapaq Certification Online course
Club St James

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